From the Nurse
Physical Exams
All students entering the Torrington school system for the first time and all students in 7th and 10th grades must present written evidence of a complete health assessment including all mandated elements as indicated on the State of Connecticut Health Assessment Form.
Health Requirements and Information for Registration
Health Requirements and Information for Registration - Spanish
Immunizations for certain communicable diseases are required by Connecticut State Law for every child entering school. Ensuring your child is immunized on time provides the best defense against any dangerous childhood diseases.
Immunization Requirements for Students Attending Connecticut Schools
Medications including “over the counter” are given only with written authorization of the parent and authorized prescriber (MD, NP, PA, dentist). A Medication Administration Authorization form must be completed.
Certified staff may legally administer medications if the nurse is not available.
Medication must be delivered in and administered from the original container clearly labeled with the name of the student, prescriber, and medication, with directions for dosage and date of original prescription. All medications must be delivered to the school nurse by the parent or a designated adult.
Students are never allowed to carry medications except for fast acting inhalers and EPIPENS. To self-carry those medications students must have written approval by the prescriber, parent and school nurse. A Medication Administration Authorization form must be completed.
Vision and hearing screenings are administered to students in Kindergarten, 1st 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades.
Postural (scoliosis) screenings are administered to students in 5th and 7th grade (for girls) and 9th grade (for boys).
HUSKY Health Insurance
HUSKY is the Connecticut state children's health insurance program available to children and teens through the age of 18. For more information visit the HUSKY website or call toll free 877-284-8759.
Regarding Head Lice
Please click here for useful information regarding head lice.