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Frequently Asked Questions

I am not currently employed by Torrington Schools and would like to work for TPS. How do I apply for a job?

I just moved. How do I change my address?

I need a copy of my paystub or W-2?

I just got married and need to add my spouse to my health insurance. How do I make changes to my insurance?

I was injured at work, what do I need to do?

My teaching certification is about to expire, what are my next steps?

I would like to substitute for Torrington Schools, what do I do?

I need a verification of my employment with Torrington Public Schools, who do I contact?

How do I sign up to be a volunteer with Torrington Public Schools?  

I want to be a high school athletic coach, what do I need to do?

I am a teacher and I am thinking about retirement? What steps do I need to take?