Volunteers Student Teachers and Interns
The Board of Education recognizes the importance of school volunteers at all levels of schooling. Volunteers can enhance collaboration between the school and community, broaden the school’s educational environment and ultimately enrich students’ school experience. The Board further acknowledges that it may, from time to time, be asked to provide learning experiences for student interns within the school environments. In recognition of the benefit of having volunteers, interns and other such non-employees providing services within the schools, the Board supports the involvement of these individuals in accordance with suitable regulations and safeguards to be developed by the Administration.
The District has identified two classifications of volunteers: Group I and Group II:
Group I
Volunteers will be classified in Group I when they assist school staff members with school activities in the presence of a Torrington Public Schools employee. Background checks will not be required of Group I volunteers. Group I volunteers are those who assist school staff members with school activities such as those listed below:
- assisting in a classroom, cafeteria, or library when a staff member is present; or
- accompanying a class on a field trip during the school day with a staff member; or
- helping in the school office during regular school hours; or
- assisting in the cafeteria or library during regular school hours; or
- assisting during extracurricular events, i.e., dances, fairs, open house, sporting events, etc.
Group II
Volunteers will be classified in Group II when they provide services to students when not in the direct presence of a Torrington Public Schools employee. Group II volunteers will be required to complete a consent form regarding the release of information concerning any prior or pending criminal offenses, and such volunteers will be required to submit to a record check of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Abuse and Neglect Registry. Group II volunteers are those who engage in activities such as those listed below:
- accompanying a class on a field trip in which the plans include that students be divided into small groups supervised solely by the volunteer chaperone for any length of time; or
- chaperoning an overnight field trip; or
- working in direct contact with students without the direct presence of a Torrington Public Schools employee; or
- working as a student intern; or
- coaching
Please review Policy #1027 - School Volunteers, Student Interns and other Non-Employees. Also, please complete the volunteer form available in policy 1027 and submit it to the school you are applying to as a volunteer.
Student Teachers and Interns
Torrington Public Schools welcomes the opportunity to partner with Colleges and Universities both in-state and out-of-state in order to support the growth of aspiring educators. We have worked with student teachers and interns from University of St, Joseph, Western CT State University, University of Hartford, Central CT State University, University of Bridgeport and more. If you are interested in completing your student teaching with us or an internship, please have your University contact HR to begin the process and view our Aspiring Educator directions.
If you have already confirmed your student teaching assignment with Torrington, you must complete the criminal background check and the DCF background check. See our Student Teacher Flyer for additional information.
See also: