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Curriculum & Instruction

The district's curriculum defines what students should know and be able to do in each course, based on state and national standards and frameworks.  The district is working diligently to improve K-12 articulation, align district practice with state expectations, including the Common Core State Standards, and provide students with a sound instructional program that will equip students with the knowledge and experiences, necessary to be successful in the 21st century. 

Listed below are some related resources for parents and other community members to review in order to better understand the goals and objectives of the curriculum and instruction professionals of the Torrington Public Schools.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) About

Basic information about the Next Generation Science Standards

Parent Q&A for NGSS. 
 CCSS in CT CCSS Handout What are the Common Core State Standards ( CCSS)? Learn about them in this handout from the CT Department of Education or visit for more info.
SAT Practice Practice Test The link is a free resource for parents and students to access to practice for the SAT.