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Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention (RTI) or Connecticut's Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI) is a framework to assure that all students are provided with an appropriate, quality educational program that meets their learning needs.  RTI/SRBI emphasizes the central role of general education in the intervention and pre-referral process for special education by encouraging the use of educational practices that are scientific and research based in general education classrooms.

The Handbook posted on this site represents the work of a diverse district committee of classroom teachers, special educators, administrators, and instructional support staff.  Resources will continue to be added, especially for behavioral interventions and ELL strategies.

RTI Initial Referral Form

RTI-Mathematics Worksheet

RTI-Milestone Report

RTI Handbook (Full Version)

Overview of RTO Philosophy and Expectations-Section I

Overview of Process Used by RTI Teams-Section 2

Forms to be Used by RTI Teams-Section 3

RTI Assessment Tools-Section 4

Resources to Support Instruction-Section 5

